# Jméno Říše Lv
1. PanPolacek table-flag 105
2. Ape table-flag 105
3. TommyKarsson table-flag 105
4. 5HRAN table-flag 105
5. Santoryu table-flag 105
6. ONESHOT table-flag 105
7. Hell table-flag 105
8. 3HRANka table-flag 105
9. Tazzi table-flag 105
17. Ragnarok table-flag 105

Privacy Policy

By accepting of this provision you agree with processing of your personal information below.

Information about you stored in our database:

1) Email address
– Email is used for confirmation of your account and for safety of your account. If you lose password, want to change it or make any changes to your account your email is required for that. We also send newsletters to your email.

2) Username – It is identificator of your account and it is not a personal information, so keep it in mind, your username is public for other users so they can identificate you.

3) IP address - We are logging IP addresses of our users for safety of your accounts, if there are any problems or „scams“ and violationg of our rules, we can identificate by IP your other accounts. As well you can use IP lock, so you can login to your account just from your IP.

4) Password – To login to your account you need a password, you should created unique password, so if anything happens your other social network account going to be safe. The passwords are hashed and nobody can see them



  • Status serveru

  • CH 1

  • CH 2

  • CH 3

  • CH 4
